Programma conferentie
Smart Energy Hubs

Connect-U / 20 november 2024


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De conferentie bevat een plenaire openingssessie en doorlopend drie parallelle sessies. Het heeft de voorkeur dat deelnemers steeds voor één van de parallelle sessies kiezen, heen en weer lopen tussen sessies willen we zoveel mogelijk beperken.

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08.30 - 09.00
Main entrance

Registration and coffee/tea

09.00 - 10.15
Plenary hall 1st floor

Plenary opening session

09.00 - 10.15
Professor Richard van leeuwen and ass. Professor Yashar Hajimolana: welcome and logistics guides for the conference
Plenary keynotes:
Perspectives on Smart Energy Hubs chaired by Prof. Richard van Leeuwen
09.10 - 09.25
Pavol Bauer, Professor DC Systems, Energy Conversion & Storage, TU-Delft: Energy hubs - basic building block for energy transition
09.25 - 09.35
Jorian Bakker, senior policy advisor climate & energy, Dutch ministry for climate and green growth: Dutch government policies on development of smart energy hubs
09.35 - 09.50
Marjolein Bot, director of program on energy system integration, Topsector Energy: Topsector energy working program Smart Energy Hubs
09.50 - 10.00
Bart van der Laan, program manager energy flexibility, Alliander: Impact of Smart Energy Hubs for DSOs
10.00 - 10.15
Questions and debate
10.15 - 10.30
Main hall

Short break

10.30 - 12.00

Parallel sessions 1-3

Room 1

Session 1: Local and regional energy planning, spatial and infrastructural aspects of Smart Energy Hubs
Chaired by: Richard van Leeuwen
Session keynote Sebastian Thiede: Towards decarbonisation of manufacturing industry
Joris Knigge: The energy transition in urban planning and development; towards an integral approach
Timo te Velde: Smart Energy Hubs at the Municipality of Enschede - Lessons Learned from Practice
Jan Rietdijk: Background and progress to come to an Energy Hub on the Industrial Park de Waterlaat in Bergeijk
Ghiami Shamsoddin: Investigate electricity consumption reduction potential during winter using PVT

Room 2

Session 2: preventing and solving congestion on medium/low voltage networks
Chaired by: Cihan Gercek
Session keynote Edmund Schaefer:
Sizing energy storage while considering financial, environmental and grid peak reduction objectives: a neighbourhood case
Hugo de Moor:
Preventing congestion in LV networks can be done by monitoring the voltage using smart meters and controlling supply and demand using local pricing
Hans Meerman:
Tackling grid congestion by connecting neighbours
Aditya Pappu:
Flexibility sizing for Energy Communities under Dynamic Grid Constraints
Hans Schokker:

Room 3

Session 3: Smart Energy Hubs solutions framework and applications
Chaired by: Yashar Hajimolana
Session keynote Michiel van Dam:
Scaling smart energy hubs: the slippery slope to success
Jeike Wallinga:
Development of industrial estate energy hubs: Accelerating the energy transition through effective interventions of local government
Willem Wijnen:
Smart Change Management in Smart Energy Hubs
Sjoerd Doumen:
Making Energy Hubs Even Smarter by Providing Trade Between Energy Hubs and Communities
Michel Chatelin:
Unlocking the Full Potential of Energy Hubs with Programmable Energy
12.00 - 12.45
Main hall

Lunch and networking

12.45 - 13.00
Plenary hall 1st floor

Formal opening of Saxion Energy Flexibility lab by Stephan Maathuis, Dean of Saxion academy Life Science, Engineering and Design

13.00 - 14.30

Parallel sessions 4-6

Room 1

Session 4: cyber secure and interoperable ICT-systems and device interfaces for monitoring and control of Smart Energy Hubs
Chaired by: Edmund Schaefer
Session keynote Gerwin Hoogsteen: Rethinking interaction for a resilient and cyber-secure system
Das Dwijasish: DC Wind Energy Hubs for a Sustainable Future
Deepak Tunuguntla: Explainable AI/ML forecasting models
Eyuel Ayele Debebe: IECON: IoT Edge Computing for Carbon Neutral Communities

Room 2

Session 5: Hydrogen integration in Smart Energy Hubs
Chaired by: Fenna van de Watering
Session keynote Benno Aalderink:
Developments and outlook for decentral hydrogen integration in the Netherlands
Monika Sharevska:
Renewable Energy System with Hydrogen Production and Methanol Storage for Efficient Electricity Supply-Demand Balancing
Lauro Oliveira:
Renewable Hydrogen Hubs in the Netherlands: Assessing the feasibility of hydrogen production technologies integration
Sandra Wijnant-Timmerman:
The energy system in Twente and the role of underground hydrogen storage

Room 3

Session 6: East Netherlands Smart Energy Hubs pilot program
Chaired by: Robert-Niels van Droffelaar
Session organised by Oost-NL about experiences and lessons learned from the pilot Smart Energy Hub projects in East-Netherlands.
Robert-Niels van Droffelaar:
Program and learnings (focus on organization)
Wouter Heres:
Smart Energy Hub Broeklanden
Rutger Beekman:
Smart Energy Hub Almelo & A1 Deventer (focus on tools)
Thomas Pesiwarissa:
Smart Energy Hub Lorentz (focus on EMS)
Panel discussion
14.30 - 14.45
Main hall

Short break

14.45 - 16.15

Parallel sessions 7-9

Room 1

Session 7: multi-commodity smart grids, sector coupling and power to X.
Chaired by: Abhishek Singh
Session keynote Daniël Bakker: Exploration of potential grid capacity reduction for multi- commodity smart energy hubs in three industrial areas in the Netherlands
Maja Sharevska: Optimization of design and operation of an energy hub using different strategies
Gert-Jan Linthorst: Realized and Operational Smart Energy Project Thermen Soesterberg and Heat Central Groenpoort (for district heating/cooling)
Juan López: Developing Digital Twins for Industrial Microgrids: The Ecofactorij Case Study
Ewoud Vos: SynergyS: a market-based approach for multi-commodity energy hubs

Room 2

Session 8: Smart charging in Energy Hubs
Chaired by: Johann Hurink
Session keynote Cihan Gercek:
Grid design and grid aware EV charging
Andreas Ligtvoet:
Charging Energy Hubs - cooperating to electrify logistics
Ali Saklaoui:
Coordinated Optimization of Logistics Electric Fleet and Energy Management System of Constrained Energy Hub
Tim van 't Wel:
Energy Hubs for High Power Charging of Zero Emission Logistics
Jim Kienhuis:
Optimization of location of Energy Storage in Grids

Room 3

Session 9: MOOI EIGEN: new and open tools for Smart Energy Hub projects
Chaired by: Miloš Bunda
Session keynote Attila Nemeth
A framework for a social cost-benefit analysis for energy hubs
Stage 1: driving towards steward ownership of the future security of supply

Joey Willemse and Tamara Oukes:
bottom-up development of shared responsibility using a participation framework

Vincent Kamphuis:
developing future local energy vision using a Plan & Design toolsuite
Stage 2: translating the local energy vision into an actual design

Vincent Kamphuis:
Plan & Design toolsuite

Gerwin Hoogsteen:
energy system simulations using Demkit

Pelle van den Heuvel:
legal framework

Timo van Ingen:
tender strategy
Stage 3: realizing the Energy Hub

Haike van de Vegte:
development of a shared SCADA/EMS system for local matching of supply and demand
Stage 4: asset management and exploitation of the Energy Hub

Miloš Bunda:
the exploitation entity
16.15 - 16.30
Main hall

Short break

16.30 - 17.00
Plenary hall 1st floor

Plenary closing session

16.30 - 16.45
Takeaways from organising chairs and session chairs, moderated by: Robert-Niels van Droffelaar
16.45 - 16.55
Best presentation award ceremony by: ass. Professor Yashar Hajimolana
16.55 - 17.00
Closing by: Professor Richard van Leeuwen
17.00 - 17.30
Main hall

Networking and drinks